How links are chosen on the home page.

The Africa 2 Trust ( home page includes resources and links to both internal site and external (third party) websites.

The home page content categories include:

  1. Links to our subscriber products and/or services and/or internal websites within the framework. These are subscribers that have paid for featured products/services in their respective countries

  2. Links to important resources in various countries for tourists.

  3. External sites for various companies in the respective countries(Country website directory).
    NOTE: Listing in the Africa directory is still free.

  4. Banners both local, and global and depending on the preferred scope of our clients.These banners usually carry promotional information of the respective companies and they lead to more information
  5. Banners of our partners and associates

The inclusion of a link to an external website from the homepage should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site's owners (or their products/services).

To discuss having your information on the home page of any country in Africa, please contact members of our Sales Team using the following channels:

Phone: +256(0)393 241500, +256(0)701278873,+256(0)776-278873
Box No: 22232 Kampala, Uganda
Online Contact Form: Contact Us
Physical Address: Plot 2530, Tirupati Mall, 2nd Floor, Nsambya-Ggaba

NOTE: Details of agents in all African countries will be availed soon.