MIC Funeral Services

-,15, 17, 19 Odunlami Street,-,Lagos
Contact Phones: +234 - 9052222155 ,+234 - 9052222144
Email : info@micfuneralservices.com.ng
Web Address: www.micfuneralservicesng.com

About MIC Funeral Services

At MIC we believe that a funeral which reflects the life, character and achievements of an individual brings significant emotional comfort to those left behind, for this cause, we are poised to make every funeral service beautiful and memorable. We understand that Nigeria and the world at large have regional customs for funerals, so we deploy our services with excellence inline with the culture of the deceased. Established in 1946, Our service to humanity has grown from strength to strength developing an outstanding reputation for us within the country and beyond, making us the foremost funeral services provider in the country. We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Should you need our services out of normal business hours, simply call our funeral home and someone will be available to help.
