African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (SOC) LTD

1st Floor, Building 1 – Waterfall Corporate Campus, 74 Waterfall Drive, Waterfall City, 2090, 74 Waterfall Drive, Waterfall City, 2090, Johannesburg Central,Johannesburg
Contact Phones: .,+27 10 010 6100
Email : Tender@aemfc.co.za
Web Address: www.aemfc.co.za

About African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (SOC) LTD

African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation also known as “AEMFC” is a state-owned mining company established to secure South Africa’s energy supply primarily through the mining and supply of coal for the generation of electricity, as well as other resources that will provide energy for the future. This includes key minerals for beneficiation in the energy and steel value chain.
